In challenging times we need inspiration for the future.
Designregio Kortrijk welcomes recently graduated designers from the various creative disciplines for the Designers in Residence Kortrijk program.

During a residence of 3 months (November to January 2020), the designers will have the unique opportunity to develop an experimental concept.
This year's theme is: The future of urban leisure
This edition of the Designers in Residence tackles a broad topic and invites to reflect on the future urban condition. At the same time we are looking for small scale interventions, prototypes and experiment. To support this, we will provide a living lab condition in existing but empty buildings and shops in the city centre.

Our 3 international designers are:

Emilie Froelich

Emilie Froelich is a French architect. In 2017, she co-founded “figures vives”, an experimental platform gathering 13 recently graduated fellow students. In this context, she explores the interactions between the body and the space, understood as a combination of material and immaterial layers. She is currently based in Almería and Strasbourg, collaborating with La casa Amarilla and Semper Vera.

Jadd Hallaj
Syrien / Americain

Jadd Hallaj is a Syrian-American architect currently based in Paris.
By merging heritage with design, he wants to assist in preserving and creating context-relevant spaces anchored in sustainable social practices at all scales of a territory. Local design networks such as DESIGNREGIO KORTRIJK can contribute to developing urban systems, by promoting new ways of production or integrating marginalized communities in a holistic design process. He aspires to one day expand such networks in Syria and its region.

Elena Falomo
London / Berlin / Italy

Elena Falomo is a sort of cerberus: the heads of a designer, an engineer and an artist sharing the same body. In her practice she mixes art, activism, code and physical computing to create speculative probes and hyperbolic products. She engages in feminism, digital rights, open software and open culture through her works. Her interests brought her to found few artistic collectives to address pressing contemporary issues. She is also a passionate educator teaching in universities across Europe.
Elena previously studied at Politecnico di Torino -Turin is a UNESCO Creative City for Design, just like Kortrijk - and at the Royal College of Art London.

Do you want to receive more information or are you interested in meeting the designers during their residency?
Contact Lise Van Tendeloo
+32 56 51 91 83​