Studio AnnaMariaCornelia

Looking for a partner in Design Thinking, participatory research, conducting field studies, observations and searching the heartbeat ?
Studio AnnaMariaCornelia has already boots on.
Out of toil and mud the studio designs ideas and concepts out of the box. Fun, playfulness and frivolous but also economic, cost effective and customer friendly.
Do you want to know more ? Continue with surfing.
Do you have an idea but no overall plan ? Is there a project on the shelf but no concept and execution? Try it with this beautiful stranger.
And for serious people ...
STUDIO ANNAMARIACORNELIA shapes to social innovation on the basis of the human behaviour and the social changes.
The studio detects social and human needs in your company, organization, city, county or region.
The information obtained is processed into useful basic information for architects, product developers, companies, city governments, various organizations and sectors.After a thorough analysis, the studio develops an efficient solution and guides you through the process.

Volksv. De Jagerelaan 5

8500 Kortrijk
